Venue: Online meeting (Zoom) 2021-02-11

This meeting was held online, in Teams, On 11th February 2021, initiated by the project coordinator with participation of all partners. The purpose of the meeting was to agree on the next step in the process of WP 2.3 Course catalogues. The guidelines for learning development has been prepared by P6 VGTU as coordinator of WP2, one for Montenegro and another for Albania. Both reports have circulated and been commented by partners on some of the aspects.
The reports were discussed and evaluated as very extensive and covering the subject area comprehensively. The partners approved the reports, given that they cover well the "Guidelines" aspects and also include some extensions to this subject matter.
Planning for further steps in WP 2.3 Description, VGTU will prepare the initial catalogues for new/revised courses on Blue Economy by applying I&E concept at partner countries HEI’s.
It was decided to proceed with three meetings with each university, which will present their actual stat, list of courses and needs. Time of meetings and further communication were planned.

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