Work Package 1

State of the art on I&E in Blue economy
The higher education sector has to represent an excellent example in defining the concept of I&E in Blue economy, promoting entrepreneurial mind sets, knowledge exchanges, entrepreneurship and innovative technologies. The core aspect provides a good basis for creating appropriate models that meet economic and social environment for academic knowledge through innovative services, products, processes and business. Connecting the higher education with entrepreneurship is of wide importance for strategic engagement of Western Balkan Countries' HEIs that are more concentrated on growth-oriented giving support for startups.

In that context, an overview of educational programs for I&E in Blue economy in EU (DEV 1.1) will be a basis for obtaining necessary information and practical examples of their strategy efforts and their challenges. The report will present in-depth analysis of EU policy framework and institutional practices.

In the second stage of WP1, GAP analysis will be implemented (DEV 1.2). It will represent a continuation of the previously done needs analysis on connecting educational and entrepreneurial sectors (maritime and coastal tourism and sustainable development)in Montenegro and Albania as referent points for the project implementation. The results of a GAP analysis will show the priority areas in industry that should be supported through the project initiative.

Based on the DEV 1.1 and DEV 1.2 overview and analysis, the report of actions for I&E in Blue economy at Montenegrin and Albanian Universities, will be evaluated (DEV 1.3). This report will be directed to identification of the areas for wider educational process and needs for expertise and specific improvement of processes and I&E perspectives in the field

Tasks / Activities
- DEV 1.1 Overview of educational programs for I&E in EU, January to February 2020; Event, Report
Report on DEV 1.1 of BlueWBC
- DEV 1.2 GAP analysis, Feb to April 2020; Training material, Event, Report
DEV 1.2 Report BlueWBC State of Art for MNE and AL
DEV 1.2 - Survey_analysis_UoM
DEV 1.2 Gap Analysis for FSHT-UV
DEV 1.2 Gap Analysis for FE-UT
- DEV 1.3 Reporting on actions and models for I&E, March to April 2020; Report
DEV 1.3 Reporting on actions and models for I&E