Work Package 8

Project Management
Project management consists of five deliverables to mark the beginning, middle and end of the project. Such meetings will provide for each partner representatives the opportunity to meet together face-to-face, allowing for collaborative and gradual knowledge building that may shed light on opinions and ideas that could not have been shared through Skype or email.

The Kick-off meeting will serve as the official start of the project, and all partners will meet together for the first time. The Project Management Board (PMB), consisting of one representative from each eligible partner, will be selected during the Kick-off meeting. The PMB will meet in person at the Kick-off, midterm and final meetings, and over Skype when required.

The Midterm meeting (MNGT 8.3) will mark the project midpoint. The Final Project Meeting (MNGT 8.5) will serve as the project end, and will include final progress reports and plans for further developing institutional capacity based on project results.?P1 will also manage and coordiante the accounting and other administrative issues associated with the project (MNGT 8.4 and MNGT 8.5).

Tasks / Activities
- MNGT 8.1 Establishment of Project Management Board (January-March 2020; Event, Report)
- MNGT 8.2 All partner and PMB meetings (January-May 2020; Event, Report)
- MNGT 8.3 Project midterm meeting (June -July 2021; Event, Report)
Report on Midterm Meetings
- MNGT 8.4 Meeting on financial reporting (November 2021-January 2022; Event, Report)
BLUEWBC Programme Aalesund September 22
- MNGT 8.5 Final Project Meeting (October 2022-December 2022 ; Event, Report)