Another successful info-day for stakeholders and training in English for students, was held in Vlora at the Faculty of Technical and Natural Sciences of the University of Vlora on 24 October 2022. Over 40 students and relevant stakeholders in the blue economy, innovation and entrepreneurship attended the event. On this occasion, in addition to Professor Kristofor Lapa (Local Project Coordinator), guest professors from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the Faculty of Maritime Studies of the University of Split and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University from Lithuania held their lectures. The participants were trained with modern trends in offshore technologies, maritime entrepreneurship, 3D modeling and current affairs in the field of maritime traffic.
At the end, the attendees received certificates, in fulfillment of the WP5 work package.
For a wider information, the main coordinator of the project as well as one of the professors from the European partners in the project gave a short interview on the purpose of this activity and the benefits of the project as a whole.