The first Conference on blue economy titled "Innovation for the sustainable use of marine and maritime resources in our Seas" was held in Budva (Montenegro) from 7th to 9th June 2022, organized by the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, a partner organization in the Erasmus + project entitled "Sustainable development of BLUE economies through higher education and innovation in Western Balkan Countries - BLUEWBC".
Numerous sections held during the three-day event focused on the importance of the blue economy, which should be driven by innovation, investments that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, improve energy efficiency, use the power of natural capital - such as the seas and oceans and stop losses of biodiversity and the benefits provided by ecosystems.
The presence of knowledge and exchange of experiences with universities from the European Union indicates the importance of the potential of the blue economy and reaching European standards. In this regard, the conference presented the results of the BLUEWBC project so far by the coordinator from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and representatives of other partner institution in the project, the Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor of the University of Montenegro.
The BLUEWBC project ends in January 2023.