The inauguration of the newest UV Center for Inovation and Entrepreneurship fundedby the European Union within the Erasmus + CBHE project "Sustainable developmentof BLUE economies through higher education and innovation in the Western BalkansCountries (BLUEWBC)" brought together on 26 of April 2022 project partners,students, professionals, business partners, public authorities and UV collaborators.
The activity was opened by the Vice Rector of UV Prof Mehilli and was also greeted bythe Dean of the Faculty of Technical and Natural Sciences Prof Kicaj. This activity wasalso greeted by the representative of the Vlora Seaport, the Pashaliman Shipyard,Reginna Gupe, as well as by the Director of the vocational high school "Pavarsia"inVlora. They evaluated this center as a very good opportunity to create a supportiveenvironment for cooperation between the university, and the private and public sector.
In addition to the inauguration of this center, on April 26, 2022, a series of trainingswere held in the field of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Blue Economy forstudents, professionals and UV staff, who at the end of the training were provided withthe relevant certificate. The trainings were conducted by foreign lecturers, partners ofthe BLUEWBC project such as NTNU, the University of Vilnius, Lithuania, and theUniversity of Split, Croatia. Other trainings will beorganized in continuation in thiscenter not only for students but also for anyone interested.