The output of this Work Package comprehends preparation of course catalogues, scripts and teaching materials for project HEIs in Albania and Montenegro through the exchange and application of existing materials at programme countries HEIs. After the revision of the existing curricula and the developed methodology, the University of Vilnius together with NTNU and the University of Split prepared the initial catalogues for new/revised courses on Blue economy by applying I&E concept at partner countries HEIs. The new/revised course catalogues were shared with professors who are in charge of the courses and will implement the courses in the future.
Each course catalogue is compatible with Bologna requirements and covers: aim of the module; expected learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills, competencies; proposed training methods; duration; ECTS assigned; methods and criteria for leaner‘s assessment; resources; suggested lecturers; etc. Based on the agreed course catalogues, the programme countries HEIs will develop course scripts and the teaching materials. These materials will be prepared and elivered in several formats: ppt, word template, etc.
All partners in the meeting gave their comments on the work done till now and shared their suggestions and expectations for the next steps. It was agreed that the development of the teaching materials will go along with teacher trainings. Each University will send to the University of Split a list of suggested topics for trainings, which, based on the Covid 19 situation will be delivered online or on physical basis in the future months starting from the end of September.